Luke Art

(for the people)


'C.T.L.' is a four-part photoplay exploring various issues in relational dynamics.

'G.D.' is a three-part photoplay exploring various issues in relational dynamics.

'Bored & Horny' is about 1 1/2 feet wide, and two feet long. It's a salvaged photographic image with superimposed text and a color mask. The material is the same used for large displays in airports, etc... and is meant to be lit from behind. It is housed in a lightbox that formerly sported a Stroh's beer advertisement. 'Bored and Horny' is in San Francisco as part of a private collection.

'Controlled Freedom' is a four-part photoplay exploring various issues in relational dynamics. Each frame contains a parallel series of black and white photographs of two men acting out a light S/M situation, offset with still shots from the Farrah Fawcett/Charles Grodin masterwork, "Sunburn." The Farrah pictures are converted from black and white to pink and white utilizing a chromogenic masking process.

'Fuck Love' is a five-part photoplay exploring various issues in relational dynamics. The images are a series following the consummation of a trick between a man and a prostitute. The man sniffs poppers while being undressed by the prostitute. In the final frame, the prostitute draws a heart on the man's back with lipstick, then scrawls the word, "Fuck," through it. All the prints utilize normal chromogenic processing with an extra orange mask applied during printing.